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Stage Palettenlagerung dynamisch

Dynamic pallet storage

As far as the storage of your goods is concerned, we are prepared for each of your applications and we can provide you with the right pallet racking for different warehousing and picking tasks – if necessary adapted to your individual specifications.

If you have to deal with goods or storage units that must be moved within the warehouse, dynamic pallet storage is the optimum solution for you. Our drive-through racking is an option for you to consider if you work according to the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. The stacked goods – usually small parts and packages – move independently on rollers to the removal point. This ensures that the goods in your warehouse do not become dated.

Push-back racking: Optimum use of space

If you store medium-sized quantities of the same products according to the last-in-first-out (LIFO) method, then our push-back racking offers the best use of space. This comprises racking uprights connected together to form a channel. As a rule, reach trucks are used for stacking the goods in the push-back racking channels.

Increase your warehouse space with mobile racking systems

Do you want to save space for racking aisles? If so, a mobile racking system may be the solution for you. They can be moved on rails by motors and can be controlled centrally from a control cabinet, individually at the rack or by remote control.

Multi-depth storage systems

Our multi-depth storage systems offer you the opportunity to optimise your filling level, throughput capacity, product variety, utilisation of space and load protection. In addition, you have flexibility: Both LIFO and FIFO methods are possible.

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