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Stage Case study Dallas Cowboys
America´s Team relies on Jungheinrich trucks

Optimised distribution at the Dallas Cowboys' merchandising warehouse

In order to remain the leading brand in the sports entertainment franchise, the Dallas Cowboys team relies on a fleet of 27 Jungheinrich trucks. Forklift trucks, order pickers and pallet trucks ensure maximum efficiency, increased safety and greater overall


  • Streamlining and acceleration of the logistics processes in the 400,000 m2 merchandising warehouse
  • Increased overall efficiency in order to permanently remain ahead of the competition
  • Timely order picking and worldwide delivery of the huge range of fan merchandise
  • Creation of optimum safety conditions for employees working in the distribution warehouse


  • Five ETR 340 reach trucks for the US market with lift speeds of up to 0.8 m/s
  • Eleven EKS 414 medium/high-level order pickers for maximum productivity in narrow aisles
  • Six EKS 314 STR medium/high-level order pickers for maximum energy efficiency in multi-shift operation
  • Two ECR 327 electric pallet trucks with rapid acceleration and optimum agility for the requirements of the US market 


  • Improved processes and maximised efficiency in the warehouse
  • Increased safety thanks to functions such as the collision detection system
  • Predictive use of the fleet trucks thanks to the Power Fleet Management System
  • Maximised overall productivity through the use of state-of-the-art industrial trucks

Dallas Cowboys in a nutshell

Alex Luviano
Product Movement Managerfor the Dallas Cowboys

„Jungheinrich enables us to pick more effectively and efficiently – and at a consistently high speed.“


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